Contribute to Preservation

Make a Donation to Melrose House

Your support plays a crucial role in the continuous restoration efforts that preserve the historical significance of Melrose House, allowing future generations to revel in its charm.

Garden Party Melrose House WDFU 1965

Your Contribution Matters

We express sincere gratitude for financial donations and bequests. To make your contribution, please find the details below.

Bank account name:
Col. Noel Percy Adams Trust Melrose Society

Bank account number:
03 1354 0357861 000

The Colonel Noel Percy Adams Trust (Melrose) Society is a registered Charitable Trust. Please contact us if you would like a tax deductable receipt after making your donation.

Unable to make your donation via electronic banking? Please contact us.

There is also a Public Donation Box in the foyer of Melrose House.

Thank You

Thank you for being a part of preserving this cherished heritage.

Historic Melrose House Nelson with gardens
Historic interior at Melrose House
Melrose from road c1920